11 de March, 2025

Congress Programme

Important dates


General Information

CICLC 2024

November 14th and 15th, 2024
ESECS-IPP, Portalegre, Portugal

Welcome to the International Congress of Contemporary Lusophone Culture!

The CICLC has been organized since 2012 at the School of Education and Social Sciences of the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre. In that year, the theme was “The Woman in Literature and Other Arts”, and the poet Maria Teresa Horta was with us. In 2015, we received Pilar del Rio and there was talk of “Representations of the Other: Olhares Plurais”. In the 2018 edition, Fronteiras e Horizontes – space (s) and time (s) for dialogue occupied us and we welcomed Professor Innocence Mata, who spoke to us about Portuguese speaking and post-coloniality. In its fourth edition, CICLC joined the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the degree in Journalism and Communication at ESECS-IPP, choosing the chronicle as its theme.

Realities in the Mirror: the Fantastic and the Marvelous between Immanence and Transcendence

Between immanence and transcendence, the literary text knew, throughout its diachronic path, to incorporate readings of the empirical and the dream, the real and the imaginary, creating unusual, singular or enchanting worlds and times. The exercise of difference, in the Fantastic and the Marvelous, carried out between horizons of imagination, the absurd or the (un)likely, has seen inter-art dialogues that have included literature, cinema, painting or music, allowing exchanges, influences and contaminations in the universe of Lusofonia. With Comparative Literature as a reference, the International Congress of Contemporary Lusophone Culture invites teachers and researchers to its fifth edition, to be held at the Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Politécnico, in a hybrid format, on the 26th and 27th of September 2024.

We are waiting for you at Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais de Portalegre, Portugal!